Day 89: The Road to Recovery

It's difficult to really express how deeply we have been affected by our sweet little babies. We have watched them really grow and mature in so many significant ways, the least of which are physical.

I sat down today and began to organize their photos (sadly, in preparation for CPS meetings) which made me realize just how significantly they have grown.

(I had to remove al the photos originally posted for legal reasons)

It's amazing how much they have healed, physically and emotionally. Their hair, believe it or not, has been the slowest to "heal." As I looked through these pictures tonight, I could finally tell that even their hair is getting better.

All that to say, they have a long road of healing ahead of them. But at least they are on the road to recovery.


  1. Oh, wow! What an amazing testimony! I'm so proud of you for the work you're doing. I LOVE this ministry!

  2. I found you through Shauna's blog. I want to say thank you for giving and serving and having healing hands! I have two children, not adopted, and I can only imagine what your days, hours and minutes have looked like over the past few months. Thank you for your sacrifice. The girls look amazingly healthier and happier. I loved Shauna's photos from Monday. Their precious faces tell a lot. Thank you.


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