What Difference Does it Make?

I have been thinking about praying a lot lately. Mostly because a friend and I have been talking about prayer, and what difference it makes. It is difficult, sometimes, to reconcile that God is unchanging, and yet He changes His mind . . . or does He? Because if He changes His mind, then He isn't unchanging. But if He doesn't change His mind, then what is the point of praying?

In Exodus 32:14 it says, "So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people." (His people, the Israelites, after they were delivered from Egypt and after they worshiped at the Golden calf.)

All that to say, I wonder what you think? Does prayer change things?

1 comment:

  1. thanks to your encouragement and always directing me to scripture (and then looking it up for me b/c I am a mom to 3 little ones) I am beginning to believe he does. and beginning to be okay that it will take faith (never seeing) to believe he can change his mind and also never change. Thanks for your thoughts! love you.


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