
I went to the doctor today. I haven't felt good for a couple of days, and thought I might have the flu, so I went in to be sure. Turns out, I do not have the flu. I know this for a fact because they stuck a stick so far up my nose that I think they touched the back of my throat. Apparently this is necessary to find out if you have the flu or not. I guess if you survive the experience then you don't have the flu, because I survived it, and I don't have the flu. I did however consider punching the nurse . . . but then I thought, what would Jesus do, and well . . .

Anyway, I have a terrible headache. (That's how it started on Monday). Followed by ACHES all over, deep in my bones, and chills. Then I have a temperature of 95 followed by a temperature of a 100.5 and back and forth that goes, all day long and all night long. All of that would be bearable, but on day two, the weakness arrived. I am so weak, I can hardly walk across the room without feeling the need to sit down quickly. And now my blood pressure has dropped to 80 over 54, instead of its steady 110 over 80.

My office mate, Tracey, has the same thing. Only, her symptoms showed up a day before mine. So at least I know what to look forward to.

All that to say, my doc says I should consider myself contagious. Really?

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