Day 45: Step Up

A little more than a year ago, I was out to eat with some girlfriends when we ran into Debs Walker (my personal hero, and probably the hero of many others, truth be told). She laughingly asked us if we'd like a couple of 18 month old twins.

I remember so distinctly telling her "No way, girl. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!"

No way indeed.

But God had different plans for our lives. And these sweet little girls (pictured less than a week after their rescue) needed us to step in and intervene on their behalf.

And here they are now. One year later.

It's just incredible what the Lord has done in all of our hearts and lives, but especially in theirs. There's still so much healing to be done for sure. But just look how far they've come in a year!

Last weekend, while talking to Kim Dale, the Big Mama over at Loving Houston, (the organization that placed the girls in our home), I learned that she has more babies and children than she has licensed homes to put them in. She was thrilled for us that we are getting licensed, but truthfully, our getting licensed isn't a big help to her because we simply cannot take in more kids. (Right Lord? :) )

There are countless "Nitros and Shortstacks" out there who need you to step out of your comfort zone (I get how BIG that step is) and step in to rescue them. Mike and I are 50+. We have an empty nest. We work full-time. Our finances are beyond tight. We have a million reasons why fostering doesn't make sense for us. There are a million reasons why it doesn't make sense for you either.

All that to say, would you please pray and ask God how you can be used to rescue babies. There will never be a "right time", I promise you. Call me, message me, or comment on this blog, and I will get you connected.

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