Zephaniah 3:17

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

I believe God speaks to me, really to all of us, as though we were preschoolers. He repeats Himself, over and over and over. We learn best through repetition. This past Sunday, I attended a Child Dedication service at our church and I heard the verse above. Then that morning I was reading something and I came across that verse again. Then, when I walked into a co-worker's office, I saw the verse on her bulletin board. Three times I saw Zephaniah 3:17. I decided to pay attention.

So this morning I slowed down and read the verse. And I made it personal. Which John Piper might hate but Rob Bell would love. :) PS - Rob Bell's new book is out Jesus Came to Save Christians!

Here goes:

"Carol, your God is living among you. You aren't invisible, nor are the circumstances of your life. He is right there. He is mighty to save you. He's strong. He can handle all of this, and don't forget, he's living among you. He will take delight in you, Carol, because He adores you and you are incredibly precious to Him. With his love, he will calm all of your fears. His love is all encompassing, and it's the safest place you can go. So go. Find peace there. And when you get there, you will hear Him rejoicing over you with songs. He's singing over you. Remember when you used to sing over your children when they were little? Remember how that calmed them? It's because they could feel your delight in them. They could feel how much you loved them. They felt safe. He's singing over you now, Carol."

All that to say, my Savior, he can move the mountains.


  1. this is my FAVORITE verse! (i would say "life verse" but i think that's lame.) also, i love you.

  2. and Dennis Jernigan has a song based on this verse...
    thanks for the uplift this a.m.


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