
Have you ever been walking along and found money on the ground? Like cash money? A bill? The green stuff? It doesn't even have to be big money. A fiver, a ten a twenty . . . (the largest single bill I have ever found was a twenty, but I did once find a wad of cash that added up to 54 dollars!) The feeling of first seeing that money, and then dashing to it, scooping it up before anyone else can get their mitts on it . . . it exhilirating. And the replaying of that experience in your mind brings you smiles and warm fuzzies all day. Then everytime you tell someone else what happened, it happens all over again. You are happy all over again. But also too (that's my Sarah Palin humor) you walk with expectation, eyes scanning the ground, looking for more money!

You are probably wondering where I am going with this, and truthfully, I might not know myself. But here's what I am thinking on this morning. Yesterday I heard a man say, "What our minds linger over, inflames our passions. What our passions are inflamed by takes our thoughts captive. What takes our thoughts captive drives our actions." If I think about it too long, it's going to ignite my emotions. Once my emotions are ignited, i'm gonna be thinking about it all the time. And once I start thinking about it, I'm bound to do it. (that's my translation)

Like the money. Once you find it and you get that boost of emotions from it, you think about it all the time. The more you think about it, the more your emotions are involved, until you find yourself telling everyone about it and looking for more.

Over what is my mind lingering these days? I don't like to think about it. No pun intended. But it isn't good.

All that to say, I need to be transformed by the renewing of my mind in Christ Jesus. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Carol ~ What a nice surprise! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your sweet thoughts and prayers! I was a single mom around here for several weeks, but we are returning to normal! We are very fortunate! We know lots of people still living crazy because of Ike! So glad I found your blog! I'll be poppin in on you often!


Thank you for reading. I look forward to hearing from you.