Help Me Please Help Me

I watched the VP debates last night. And I read some blogs this morning. And I read some newspaper articles. Personally, I like Sarah Palin. Initially I thought she was a stupid choice and really thought it proved John McCain was not a very wise decision maker. Then she did so swimmingly well at the convention that I thought maybe he was an unconventional thinker and that served him well. Then I watched the debates last night. I thought Gov. Palin looked nervous and it seriously bugged me that she didn't answer the questions directly. That always bugs me. Seriously. Just answer the question. But, she is very charming, which apparently many believe is her strong point. I don't know. I do have one burning question though. When in our nations history has the VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate been so important? Usually they are a name on a campaign sign and not much more. Which leads me to ask what is wrong with the candidates running for President.

And now we have this "bailout bill." I am a Children's Pastor. I am not an economist. I have a degree in Education. Not a degree in economics or finance. So I look to those who do have one to help me understand what this bill would mean for me and for our country and our economy.

But here is my problem with both the presidential race and the bailout bill. I cannot find a single unbiased answer to any of my questions. I can't seem to make heads nor tails from what the media writes, because they don't appear to be unbiased. Maybe they never have been and it just wasn't as evident until now. But I would just like some answers. Some simple, unbiased, factual answers, written in a way I can freakin' understand. Is that too much to ask? I'm a pretty smart person (at least my GPA would indicate that I am). I like to think I can comprehend difficult subjects that are outside my scope of expertise.

All that to say, if anyone knows of someplace that I can go to get some facts on the candidates (the ones running for PRESIDENT) and to get some facts on this bailout bill, can you let me know? Help me, please help me.


  1. The financiers are snookering us again. We, the taxpayers, will never see that money once Congress caves in to special interests, (as usual). If we try to get it back by taxing these businesses, then they will take the good parts of their portfolios and flee to other countries. Suckers!

    If we use that money to enhance social security, then all of the retirees that lost their retirement funds in the stock market will at least be guaranteed a reasonably comfortable retirement. (The only ones who will still be unhappy are the ones trying to retire to their mansions.)

    Finally! Congress has found the money to make social security work.

    Let Congress know that if they get fooled by this bailout, then the only thing for voters to do is punish congress the way it was punished for the gulf war.

    Bryant Arms

  2. if samuel watches the news its on BBC. he says they are unbiased and informative.

    i've also gone to "". an arabic news network.

    hooray for non-american news about america!

  3. Carol,
    I've always been a registered least until last year. Now I'm registered as an Independent.
    I have no idea who I'm going to vote for...
    I'm tempted to vote Obama so that the faux conservatives running the Republican Party these days will get their butts kicked. But, I'm nauseated by Obama's stance on abortion.
    Palin is someone I'd enjoy having dinner with...she seems fun and I'd like to learn to hunt moose... = )
    but, I don't want someone as a head of state who answers questions by winking and changing the subject.
    LOL! Okay, I know that none of this sounds unbiased. As far as the economy goes, Ron Paul has been saying for 20 years that we were headed for this train wreck. Check out a blog that a friend of mine writes. His entry about the bailout is quite informative.
    It wouldn't hurt to listen to Dave Ramsey on Monday. He was against the bailout and will be speaking on Monday about what to do now that it has passed.
    Becky J


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