Bump, Bump, Bump

Yesterday, I went shopping for something to wear on my date with my husband. I wear jeans almost every day of my life (which I like, and it doesn't bother me REMOTELY), but I do know that every now and then, Mike likes me to wear something else.

So, I went shopping at 10:30 in the morning. I went to the mall and shopped in every store that would carry both my size and a style that a woman of my age should wear. Nothing fit. Everything was either too big (yeah!) or too small, too loose or too tailored. It was frustrating. At about 2:00 p.m., 31/2 hours after I started, I ended up at Marshall's. I FINALLY found a pretty sweater that I thought would look nice with some black slacks that I had at home, so I got in line to pay for it.

I need to mention that the line was EXTREMELY long. Like, day after Thanksgiving long. Seriously long. Behind me were two women who did not speak a word of English. This would not have bothered me at all, except that I stood in line for almost 30 minutes and all the while, the two women chattered. Initially, I loved the sound of their language. It sounded almost like they were singing. I enjoyed their talking until they started bumping with their basket. I thought the driver of said basket just wasn't paying attention the first time she bumped me. But then she kept doing it. Literally, for 30 minutes, two steps forward, bump. Two more steps forward, bump. Two more steps forward, bump. "STOP BUMPING ME," I wanted to shout at her, but I didn't. Bump. Bump. Bump.

I wish I was kidding. But I'm not.

Finally, I was next in line to pay. I stepped up to the red line where I would await my "green light" and literally, the woman pushed her basket right up against my buttocks. I lost it. I snapped. I had had it. I reached my hand backward and ever so gently pushed the basket off of my butt!! The little lady behind me tap, tap, tapped my shoulder blade, bowed three or four times, and said something that I think was "sorry" and smiled at me. I smiled back at her, feeling bad for moving her basket. As I turned back around you will never guess what happened. Actually I am sure you can guess. She bumped me, and then she and her friend laughed!

All that to say, it's a good thing I looked hot in that sweater or that whole ordeal would have just really ticked me off.


  1. i'm sure you did look hot!

    i went shopping today too, but i wasn't looking for a sweater...i was looking for a wedding dress! miss you!!

  2. you make me laugh, Carol


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