I Even Miss Cash Cab

My husband is coming to see me tomorrow. He lives in Georgia and I live in Texas. If this is your first time on this blog, I took a job here in Texas 6 months ago, thinking he was following me in a few weeks or so. But seems God had other plans. Anyway, he's coming here tomorrow and I am so happy.

Today in our staff prayer and worship time at WoodsEdge Community Church, we sang a song by Kari Jobe. The words were"I want to sit at your feet; drink from the cup in your hand; lay back against you and breathe; feel your heart beat; this love is so deep, it's more than I can stand; I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming." Even though I know this song was about God, it really expresses how much I miss my husband. And I guess because God told Mike that he was to me as Christ is to the church, then it's okay for me to think of Mike when I sing this song.

I miss him. I miss the feeling of him in the house. The weight of him in our bed. I miss his voice and the way he calls my name when he's mad at me. I miss sitting next to him and I even miss watching Cash Cab or insane reruns of Law and Order. I want to lay back against him and breathe and feel his heart beat. I love him deeply and cannot fathom my life without him in it. I do melt in his peace, the strength of who he his.

All that to say, I might be out of touch for the next few days. You won't see me online. I have better things to do. :)


  1. Hooray for husband time! Thanks for taking time out on Tuesday night to minister to us gals! It was a good night, despite the corny video of the random girl dramatically knocking down styrofoam bricks. xoxo Jana

  2. It would have been totally cooler if she had judo chopped one!


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