Sell This House

So, I moved to Texas in October. We thought Mike would be moving as well. Things looked really good with his company transferring him here, but then, well . . . that didn't happen. So, here it is, March, and I have been living in someone else's house for almost 6 months. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the place to live, but I feel the need to get on with my life. It feels like I am in limbo.

I'm sitting here in Texas watching a show called "Sell This House." It makes me think about my own house that needs to sell. Someone is looking at it today. I guess that's good. I really just want to beg God to sell my house, but I have learned that I need to want God's will more than I want my house to sell. I begged Him to let my house sell one time, and He did let it sell, but the results were disasterous. I hope I have learned to wait on Him. It's easy to wait for a little while. It's easy to trust for a little while.

But if I am honest, I am at a place where I find it hard to wait, hard to trust. I want God's will AND I want my life. I want my house to sell. I want my husband to get a job in Texas. I want to sleep in my own bed, in my own house, on my own sheets. I want to cook in my own pans and eat on my own dishes. I want to look out my own back door at my own yard. I want to step on my own scale and freak out in the privacy of my own bathroom. I want, I want, I want, and all that wanting makes me mad at myself. I need to rely on God. I need to wait on God. I need to be content. So why is this SO HARD!!??

I think it is difficult because it really does feel like my life is on hold.

All that to say, I know God has a plan. I just wish I knew what it was. Oh, and if you're reading this and we work together, don't freak out. I know this is where God has me. I'm not moving.

1 comment:

  1. God just told me that He's trying to get you to realize you should come back to Georgia. So...there's your answer.

    wait...Is it wrong to put words in God's mouth? probably. He didn't really tell me that.

    never mind.


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