Alive and Well in Indiana

Today I was telling the Bible story at church to a group of 3 thru 5 year olds . The story was about Jesus (of course) and at the end of the story, I said with my most amazed voice, "Jesus is alive!" This little boy looked at me, not with a happy "oh isn't it great that Jesus is alive" face and says in a very indignant 4 year old voice, "NO. Jesus is not alive everywhere. He is not alive in Indiana."

I tried to assure him that Jesus was everywhere and that He definitely WAS alive. The little 4 year old kept insisting that Jesus was not alive in Indiana Finally, I asked him why he thought Jesus wasn't alive in Indiana and he said, "Well, because I saw him hanging on the cross and he was definitely dead."

I tried very hard to convince him, but I'm not sure I won him over. I told him I'd show him in the Bible next week. We'll see if he believes me.

All that to say, sometimes communicating what I know and believe is difficult. It's why I like working with kids. They make me have to really, really think about what I know.

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