Obama Bin Laden?

I bet I have gotten 20 emails this week alone telling me that Barack Obama is probably the antichrist. The rest of them have been closely related, but didn't outright say he is the antichrist. At first, I thought these were jokes. That surely people did not believe that he was the antichrist. But alas, I have spoken directly to some of these people, and they really do believe it! Now, I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for yet. I'm trying to vote based on voting records, political stands, etc. But just to be sure I have done my homework, I did a little homework on the antichrist.

Here is the statement made by most of the emails I have received, "According to the book of Revelations, the antichrist will be a man, in his 40's, of muslim decent, and will deceive the nations with persuasive language and will have a massive following and Christ-like appeal . . . the prophecy says that people will flock to his promises of false hope and world peace and when he is in power, he will destroy everything."

Here is what I have to say about that:

First of all, get it right. It isn't the book of Revelations. It is "Revelation" no "s". That's nit-picky, but if you're going to quote the Bible as your means of slandering someone, you should get it right.

Two, don't use the Bible to sow fear. Most people who are spouting the junk have never even read the book of Revelation, but are just simply passing on stuff other people have sent to them. Oh, and by the way have you ever noticed most of the emails going around have no "author." If you feel that strongly about what you're saying, sign it!

Three, there is no use of the word antichrist in the book of Revelation. It is used in the Bible, just not there. The chapter most people are using for the prophecy of the antichrist (and rightly so) is Chapter 13. Read it.

Four, here's a little tidbit that'll surprise you. The Bible does not say that the antichrist will be of muslim decent. Islam was not a religion until 400 years after the book of Revelation was written. But, because it is a book of prophecy, the author could have stated that the antichrist will be of muslim decent, but he didn't.

I will confess, I am not a historian, nor a theologian, and I am sure that I don't have all the answers, and may not even be correct about what I've written here. But I am pretty sure that Barack Obama is not the antichrist. Here is a list of others who have been called the "antichrist." Hitler, Elvis, Bono, Henry Kissinger, Marilyn Manson, almost every pope, You Tube, rock and roll, and Bill Gates.

All that to say, come on people. When Christians say such things, it only makes us look like crazy, mean and malicious people. How about if we love one another and quit trying to figure out who the antichrist is? Oh, and do a little research on the candidates. Then vote based on THAT information. NOT based on silly emails that propagate hate.


  1. tank you for putting into words something that has been bothering me for a while, but that I could not express myself. I want to link this is my blog or maybe even just post it!

  2. Hi Carol! I found your blog thru Shellee and met you briefly at the Loft for the Hydrate Hope event.

    I want to scream a loud amen to your post! I had a co-worker of mine tell me about this email and thought you have got to be kidding me! I love your thoughts on the plural spelling of Revelation. These were the exact same thoughts I had when I read the email. I wish people would take some time to figure out what’s important to them and where the candidates stand on those issues. It frustrates me so much when I hear people voting based on James Dobson’s endorsement or some stupid email.
    Ok...enough political rant for the day. I'll have to bookmark your blog and check back for updates!


  3. Carol

    That is some good shit! I too have received emails and you tube clips and quotes about Obama. I say leave me alone and vote for you you want to just leave me alone. Somebody sent me some false information about Obama earlier this year and I kindly responded and told them thank you. And then I also said "Yeah I know it is hard to trust politicians, the Bush family have had relationships with the Bin Laden family for years." It was weird but they did not comment back. I must say I am not endorsing Obama or McCain in this email. I am just frustrated that people get on their personal kicks and feel they have to drag you along with them, unsolicited and generally misinformed. By the way I will say up front, I kan't spelle.

    Kent W. Coley III

  4. This is exactly what I love about you ~

  5. Marty said,

    all they have to do is go to snoops.com and check and see how many of the other things going around are also lies.funnt thing you don't see anything going around from the Demicrates and we are the one who are not concidered Christins, but we do not always put people down and this happens every election.


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