It's Give Friday!

It's my very first official "Give Friday."  What is "Give Friday?"  It's what I have decided to call Fridays here at All That to Say.  Every Friday, I will either give something away, or I will feature a person or organization that is doing something great in the world and give you a chance to give to them.

Get it?  "Give" Friday?  (You guys are the above average set.)

I've kind of been doing that already, but I've just decided to make it official by giving it a clever name.  Who knows?  Maybe it will become the next Internet sensation and Friday will be "Give Friday" all over the Internet!  Wouldn't that be cool?

So, in honor of my first official "Give Friday" I am doing two things.  I am giving away something really cool, and I am reminding you about a giving opportunity that you have!  Originally, I had posted that I was going to give away 2 things, and remind you of two things.  I like symmetry.  I have OCD. It works better for me that way.  But "apparently" (said in a sarcasm-laden voice) it was just too much and I had a little feedback from friends to give less.  So, I have heeded your advice, and am now giving away one thing and remind you about a cool opportunity.

First off, I'm going to give away this really cute tent that Mike made, courtesy of Pinterest. Mike made it a Father/Daughter project by taking the girls with him to get the hardware and tent canopy. For the record, I would have NEVER let them pick out a hot orange one (it's a twin sheet) but hey, that's what happens when dads and their 4 year olds pick out home decor! HA!

So, just in case you aren't a fan of hot orange, you can easily change out the tent canopy by getting a different twin sheet.   If you want to see a more professional shot of this, and the original instructions, here you go.  Mike said to be sure and tell you that if you want to make your own, you should read the comments section because the original pattern had a few flaws.

Oh, and one more thing, we're keeping this one.  Yours is brand new, unused (but still hot orange!)  That's the "I Give" part.

It's Give Friday!  I give, you give, we give.

In the "You Give" category,  this is a friendly reminder to check your pulse, be sure you have a heart, and go support this adorable little girl.  I'm not normally a fan of asking other people for money to support a money making venture for yourself, but then again, now that I think about it, that's dumb.  At least in this case.  Because in this case you should do it and be awesome.  As Kid President would say, "Be awesome."

Go check out Lauren's info and her Kickstarter page and help her reach her dream. She's only got a few days left to make it! And in case you don't know how Kickstarter works, if she doesn't make 100% of her goal, she gets NOTHING. Check your pulse.  Now go here and support this sweet baby's dream.

And to really sweeten this deal, for every dollar you donate to her, I will count it as 1 entry to win this cool stuff.  So, donate $1 get 1 entry. Donate $5, get 5 entries. Awesome. Kid President would be proud of you.

So, let's recap:

  • I Give -Awesome PupTent    
  • You Give - Support 11 Year Old Author, Lauren Lukaszewsi
NOW THEN, (phew, that was exhausting!)  here is how to enter to win.

1.  You MUST follow this blog.  It's a shameless ploy to build my readership.  I'm okay with it.  Consider it a "you give." :)

2.  You MUST at least visit Lauren's Kickstarter page and watch her video. But remember for every dollar you give, you get an entry.

3.  You MUST pin, post, or tweet this blog post.  For each of these you do, you get an additional entry.  (Again, you have to comment on this blog to let me know what all you accomplished)

5.  Lastly, you must comment.  Commenting is your official entry, but in your comment you must tell me that you followed the blog, Visited Lauren's Kickstarter, and pinned, posted or tweeted!

If that's confusing, well, hmmmm . . . . re-read it.  But it's not that complicated.  And you're giving.  Because it's Give Friday!  

All that to say, I give; you give; we give!  Now get busy!
(And don't worry, those of you who checked in here for Ags for Orphans, I refeature them again soon!)

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