Day 79: Surrender

I may have mentioned a few times that I am reading a book called, "Jesus Calling."  It is a journal by Sarah Young, written to herself as though God is speaking to her. 

Throughout her book, I am finding a pattern.  "Seek the presence of God, and then dwell in it."  Get that right, and everything else falls into place.  Notice I did not say, get that right and everything will be easy in your life.

And, as I have been reading my Bible, I am seeing a pattern in the portions of Scripture I am reading.  That pattern is, "Wait on the Lord."

And as I have been listening to God during my time alone with Him I am hearing these words over and over and over. "Trust Me, Carol."

Seek His presence and dwell in it, wait on Him, and Trust Him.  That's really all I'm supposed to do. 

Funny  how much longer my list is of what I think I should be doing.  In my mind I should be coming up with a plan B (for a lot of things in my life right now).  In my mind I should be busy.  My body should be busy, my mind should be busy, my heart should be busy, my soul should be busy. 

And so I fret, and I worry, and I calculate, and I seek advice from far too many people, and I talk when I should be silent, and I do everything I possibly can to keep myself busy, because THAT'S what I know how to do best.

Oh, but how opposite are the plans of the Lord.  Seek His Presence and dwell in it.  Wait on Him.  Trust Him.

"Many are the plans in a Man's heart, but it is the purpose of the Lord that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21  Imagine if I surrendered myself to that one scripture.  Imagine if I just lived in that.

All that to say, I wonder why surrender is so difficult when God's plans sound so peaceful and mine sound so . . . well . . . busy?

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