Day 13: Astounded

I am astounded that you love me at all. I am astounded that you long to spend time with me. I am astounded that you sit and listen to me as I ramble on and on about what I need, what I want, what I have to have.

I am astounded at the way you wait so patiently for me to come alongside you.

I am astounded at the depth of your love for me. At the wonderous way in which you rescued me when I most needed to be saved from myself. I am astounded that you rescue me still.

I am astounded that you delight in me. That I make your heart beat faster.

I am astounded that you, the God of the universe, have any concern at all for me, much less that you would number the hairs on my head.

I am astounded that you tenderly tend to my wounds and that you stand me up and push me back out to try again.

I am astounded that you call to me, wooing me to you, setting my feet on a path that leads straight into your arms.

All that to say, "Jesus, Jesus, How I love you, how I proved you o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh for grace to trust Him more."

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