It Almost Feels Like Home

We're all settled into our tiny little 900 square foot, 2 bedroom apartment. Just me, Mike and Jacob (and Sarah a lot of the time, but that's okay because we like her . . . unless Jacob is tickling her, not then j/k, sorta) Anyway. We have moved in.

Today, for the first time, it feels like home. Even though there is not a SINGLE square inch of storage space left ANYWHERE in this place (including under our beds!), it feels a little more like home. I spent today cleaning, sorting miscellaneous piles of junk that were long overdo for being sorted, and even took the time to label plastic storage drawers. I even totally rearranged my bedroom. Well, I sorta HAD to rearrange the bedroom.

You see, I had this brilliant idea to bring our full sized bed with us instead of a queen sized bed (the king size was NOT an option due to our 11x12 bedroom). But, after just 2 weeks of Mike and I sharing a full sized bed, I had pretty much decided the future of my marriage was going to require me to go and buy a queen sized bed. But, as I was lamenting my woes to my friend Tracey, she offered to swap my full sized bed for the queen sized bed in her guest room. That's a true friend. So today we swapped beds. And the queen sized bed was a good bit longer than the full size bed, so I had to totally rearrange our bedroom. But I like it so much better.

I feel settled. Finally. And even if you don't care a bit about the size of my bedroom, or the necessity of my rearranging furniture, I even feel a little bit better just writing it all down.

All that to say, there's no place like home. Even the places that are almost home.

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