Stop That Self-Loathing

Someone told me recently that I need to stop self-loathing. :) Truthfully, I don't know that I realized I was doing it. But, I can see where a self-examination might come across as self-loathing, given my present set of circumstances, so I thought I would do a little self-loving. (That sounds weird, but you know what I mean.)

What I love about my family: They are funny, sometimes wickedly sarcastic, but they make me laugh. They are real. They don't put on too many pretenses, so it doesn't too much matter where we are or what we are doing, you are bound to see the real Joneses. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone who knows the "Crazy Mike" story. They are caring. Each of them has their own caring style, which fortunately complements everyone else's style. They love Jesus. I married the perfect man. He balances me. And I have the greatest sons. I count them as friends, which is the best thing ever now that they are adults.

What I love about my job: It challenges me and makes me think and makes me feel valuable and valued. It gives me a sense of purpose and like I am doing what I was created to do. It is a great place to actually "go" to work. The environment is fun and real and good and sometimes a little stressful, but just enough so to make you want to do your best.

What I love about my friends: They take me as I am, and are accepting of what I have to give in terms of time, talents, weaknesses and so on. See "True Friends." If you are my friend, then you know you are my friend because I LOVE you. If you are not my friend, then I think you might know that as well, and that is something I need to work on. Being more loving of others.

What I love about my body: I have great eyes. The color of them changes based on my emotions and sometimes they are the most brilliant blue that even I exclaim at how blue they are! I love how people always think I am younger than I really am. Maybe that is my youthful spirit coming out! No matter what its size, I like my butt (and I cannot lie.)

What I love about myself: I like to write and think I have a talent for it, and someday maybe I will write a book, though I don't know what about or who would read it. I like that I cannot have superficial friendships. I truly care about people. I think I am a good listener (or so I have been told). I am not afraid of responsibility or hard work. I care what people think, but not so much so that it keeps me from having to make the right decisions sometimes. And I really do want world peace.

All that to say, today is a day of self-loving. So love yourself . . . ;0)

1 comment:

  1. I was going to leave some witty retort -- something like "I like your butt, too!" until I realized just how WHOLLY inappropriate that would be!!

    I will say, though, that I love your eyes, as well. They are bright and full of life and excitement. Bad moods are hard to hang on to around you...

    Thanks for writing this!


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