I had plenty of time for the things I needed to accomplish. Get dressed, make breakfast, pack snacks and backpacks, get two 5 year olds ready for school . . . no problem.
Except . . . I decided to open my computer for just a few minutes. (What was I thinking?!!!)
A few too many minutes went by and in a panic I closed my computer, rushed up the steps, stressed out from how little time I now had to accomplish such a long task list!
And it's *that* mom that my girls woke up to.
Have you ever tried to get two little kids to do anything in a hurry? If you have, then you can picture the scene in my house.
I woke up Shannay and told her to go potty. Shannay's not a morning person. At all. So I give her the extra time she needs. Except we didn't have extra time today because I made a poor decision.
As I finished getting her sister ready, and then told Shannay it was her turn to get ready she said, "I need to go potty" . . . just like she does every. single. morning. She always waits until it's her turn and then SUDDENLY she has to go. For real.
You see, she has control issues. It's too much to explain so you can read this if you want to understand what I'm saying. But the point is, I know this is how the morning is going to go down. On most mornings, it doesn't bug me. I don't let her need to be in control be an issue for us. I politely tell her, "Okay, go potty and let's get ready."
But because I had made the decision to get online and waste precious minutes that I didn't need to waste, I was not the mom she needed. I flipped. I
Side note: Anytime you have to STATE that you are in control, you aren't.
The morning proceeded pretty much as you would expect it to go with a stressed out, flipped out mom. Lots of yelling, lots of hurrying, lots of tears.

When we finally got in the car, and we were all able to take a deep breath, I said, "Girls, I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong this morning. I did. I wasted time on my computer and then I got mad at you because we had to hurry. I'm sorry. It's my fault."
Nikki said, "Mama, fault don't matter."
Cue my mama tears.
You see, when we have conflict in our house, especially between the girls, there is always such a great need for them to blame, to establish whose fault something is. And I often just say to them, "Ladies, fault doesn't matter. Let's just say we're sorry, fix the problem, and move on."
Sure fault matters. But my point to them is that sometimes we are so busy trying to find fault, and place blame, that we get stuck in the conflict and can't move on.
Despite my parenting fail of the morning, she was able to reach beyond the craziness and find the reassurance I give them when conflict threatens to overtake them.
"Fault don't matter."
All that to say, if today you're feeling like you've blown it as a parent, take a deep breath, say you're sorry, fix the problem, and move on. You're probably getting way more right than you think.
As always, love your perspective and your wisdom.